Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yuengling Traditional Lager

I'm going to get this out the way and start off by saying that this beer changed my feelings on the taste of beer long before I tasted Blue Moon or Sam Adams Boston Lager.  I can still remember being wary of its ability to hinder my judgment more than other widely accessible offerings, despite it having an ABV of less than 4.5%.  It's truly a classic beer, and worth imbibing happily when spending a night at a bar as it is easy to find.  On to the review:

Yuengling Traditional Lager, which refers to itself as an Amber Lager, really holds true to the color.  It's head starts out fairly strong, transcending into a low-medium rim.  A deep nose pulls out a sweet, malty, syrupy smell, balanced with more dry, grainy notes, and a hint of wet grass & autumn leaves, consequently pulling away from a bock-like aroma.  Can't ignore the floral & spicy esters.

The taste offers a mild grainy shell, a brown sugar style, sweeter center, and a drier finish.  Teasing hints of salted butter & vanilla extract.  A mild feel, very little astringency in the finish, & a clean, yet grainy-dry, aftertaste.

A solid session beer for even the budget-conscious, and one that comes through with a lot more character than the rest.

1 comment:

  1. Probably one of the most overrated beers ever....soapy taste and just plain nasty...yuengs and wings HA
