Friday, October 25, 2013

Harpoon Octoberfest

I've decided to start paying more attention to proper serving temperatures. As a result, I let this octoberfest style brew warm up for about 30 minutes before popping the cap off.

Ruby amber-brown appearance with a delicious looking off-white, beige head. The head settles down after a few minutes. Carbonation bubbles rise to the top. Fairly clear and transparent despite the darker body. Appealing.

An aroma of chewy, sweet malts comforts the nose. Sweet caramel. A hint of alcohol and herbal hops marks the outer edges of the aroma.

The taste: earthy hops, brown bread crust, black pepper, bready malts, alcohol. A warming mouthfeel. This brew would certainly complement an end of fall night on a porch.

I had heard a lot of good things about this brew before I got a chance to try it. I wasn't at all disappointed. Recommended!