Friday, May 25, 2012

Stoney's Light

On the label: "The Light Alternative."

A fizzy, golden-yellow appearance with a head that leaves quick. Lots of carbonation bubbles rising to the top. Scattered spots up top with a thin, soapy rim.  3/5

Smells as expected. Grainy, grassy, vegetal, herbal. On the positive side, there's a semi-sweet undertone to the aroma.  2.5/5

Taste-wise, Stoney's Light is grainy up front like its fuller-bodied big brother (Stoney's Premium). Honestly, it's not bad at all. A bit dry in the aftertaste, with a seltzer like flavor. Thin bodied, barely hopped, but not exactly character free.  2.5/5

Feels a little watery and could use a touch more bittering hops, but I probably could have drank this at a colder temperature, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Not bad.  3/5

Overall 2.5/5

Notes: a definite "drink ice cold" kind of brew. My best friend swears by it, otherwise I probably wouldn't have been that interested in trying it out.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

PBR: Pabst Blue Ribbon

24 oz can poured into a Long Trail Brewing Co nonic pint glass. "JUN042012" best before date printed on the bottom of the can. An unsurprising yellow-gold appearance with a head that leaves quick. Rim sticks around. Carb bubbles rising.  3/5

Vegetal and subtly sweet in the nose. Generally unoffensive, but nothing real enjoyable or attractive in the aroma category. Maybe a hint of herbal hops.  3/5

Taste is much like the smell with canned vegetables, light malts/adjuncts (rice, corn), obligatory bittering hops and a mild sweetness in the finish.  3/5

The mouthfeel is appropriate for this pale adjunct lager standard bearer.  3.5/5

Overall: 3

Notes: Could have had this fresher, but this is pretty much it. At best, the hops are more floral and pronounced.

More notes: One thing that's worth mentioning about Pabst Brewing Co is the fact that it is the home of several "old man" beers that at one time were far more visible/better distributed. Some of these near-lost brews include: Stroh's, Schmidt (see the movie Grumpy Old Men), Primo, Blatz and Old Style.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Sierra Nevada Summerfest

My second time enjoying this brew, here's a quick, but thoughtful, review:
Hazy yellow-gold appearance, bubbly carbonation and a white head that slims to a rim worth mentioning.

Bready/crackery aroma with lemon, lime and salt. Pale-bright atmosphere in the nose.

Hops up front in the taste; lemon tartness. Bittering hops hit me, but don't knock me out. Hops flavor throws spicy and floral notes. Yeast in the back end.

Smooth, balanced, light-medium bodied. Washes away nicely with lingering qualities that don't overstay their welcome.

Happy Mothers Day!

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Yellow-gold in appearance with a slim, white head that thins to a rim with spots on the surface.

Smells of lemon zest, bread crust, floral hops and light malts. Mild, but enough hops to keep it intriguing.

In the taste I'm catching lemon, light malts, and just enough bittering hops. A very, very slight hint of peppery/peppermint hops flavor.

Light-medium bodied and friendly to the palate.

Notes: If I had one suggestion to offer it would be to add some additional hops flavor to more closely match the aroma. Also, it could be more prickly (hops!). That being said, Bohemia is one of the best beers out of Mexico, and among my top 3 choices when eating at a Mexican restaurant. In many ways it's much like a Munich Helles lager.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Straub American Amber

Out the can and in the glass the brew appears amber-brown with a mahogany hue. Looks thin, with an off-white head that thins to a rim.

Smells sweet with an herbal hops aroma. Toasted bread. Faint in the nose with subtle hints of brown sugar and cinnamon.

Lightly hopped. A little caramel sweetness, a little hops. Simple, but balanced. However, watery and thin.

Notes: similar to Yuengling Traditional Lager, but not as good and not as hoppy.