Sunday, March 17, 2013

Indian Brown Ale by Dogfish Head Brewery

Notes from 3/16/13

12 fl oz bottle, 7.2% ABV

Described on the bottle as "a clean, well-hopped brown ale brewed with caramelized sugar and hopped liberally and often." Very dark brown; almost black. Fluffy, nougat colored head [Full disclosure: I bought this bottle around the beginning of the new year (I think it was New Year's Eve), so it has naturally mellowed].

The aroma is rich with roasted coffee notes and dark, chocolately malts. A medium-heavy body with malts lying a notch above the now mellowed hops which, nonetheless, still carry a flavorful presence. Chocolate, hop bitterness, coffee, caramel and roasted notes.

Labeled as an Indian brown ale, at this point in the beer's life I wonder what separates it from a robust porter; fresh and it might be a different story. That said, a delicious brew!

Highly recommended!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Penndemonium by Penn Brewing Co

Notes from 3/8/13

1 pint 6 fl oz bottle purchased for $6 at Guntown Beer in Canonsburg, PA.

Grassy nose from the bottle. In a pilsner glass, lots of carbonation bubbles rising to the top. Frothy white head with lacing sticking to the glass. The body is a light bronze color with hints of amber-orange under the light. The head is beginning to recede.

A caramely, spicy hops flavor blend up front during the first taste. Bread crust, crackers, pepper, booze and ginger ale. A cough syrup-esque, waxy, even chalky film has begun to form on my tongue (subsides later on).

Spicy in the nose with a little sweetness. Lively yeast aroma, pepper mint and wet grass. Herbal, savory and warm.

Some might say syrupy, but I find this to be very smooth in the finish.
