Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tyskie Gronie

Tyskie Gronie...I bought a case to share with a friend for around $21 after tax. Apparently it's one of the most popular beers in Poland (not sure that's a good thing). Full disclosure: I've had a bunch of this already (not today, but in general).

Appearance is hazy gold. No head, slim rim nearly disappears after just 3-4 minutes. Carbonation bubbles. Not a lot going on in appearance.  3/5

Smells like a run-of-the-mill American lager. Vegetal, sweet adjuncts, a touch of grassiness and faint honey.  2.5/5  I'm thirsty...

First thing I notice in the taste is a fairly offensive muted graininess. After a few sips that aspect mellows out, and the taste sweetens, at least improving from the less than stellar introduction. Not a lot to talk about. There seems to be a heavier adjunct bill than a malt, and I prefer the latter. 2.5/5

Fairly balanced in the mouth. Not much hops, but there isn't much body either, so there you go, it's balanced adequately. Washes away pretty cleanly, but as it warms a little booze starts to tug at the back of the throat.  3/5

Overall: 2.5

Notes: this is a below average lager. I could name several American lagers that do the adjunct thing much better. And what's with the 5.6% ABV? That gravity is unnecessary. Why not cut it to 5%, add more malted barley and make a better brew?

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