Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Yuengling's Lord Chesterfield Ale

This isn't my first Lord Chesterfield Ale. I first had it on-tap at a bar called "Ernie's Freestyle" in Washington, PA. Of course, since it came under the Yuengling name I vouched for it instantly. I had several, and although I didn't hate the beer, I didn't love it either. I actually thought the hop content was kind of offensive, but that was on-tap in a plastic cup, so it tastes a lot different to me now.

I had a few with a friend a few weeks ago, along with some Yuengling Porter, which I finally found in store, and finally had a chance to try. I picked up another six-pack of Lord Chester earlier this week.

Tonight I'm drinking out of a weizen glass. I must say, this beer was almost made for it. The lacing seems to embrace the shape of the glass. The lacing has got to be one of the most notable features to this beer.
A good hop content comes through, while the malts create a body to surround the hoppy bitter-notes. 
I smell fairly aromatic hops.

For an ale, I could do with a little less carbonation. Especially since this is an APA, it almost seems like they want this beer to be a lager. The appearance looks much like Miller Lite & Bud Light, but the head retention is a lot stronger in the Chesterfield, and although the two macro's formerly mentioned are more drinkable, I'd walk into any bar and have a few Lord Chesterfield Ale's before I spent a whole night drinking Miller or Bud Light.

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