I picked up Terrapin's Rye Pale Ale at GunTown Beer just yesterday. Into my nonic pint glass (english pub pint glass) the beer went, threatening to never reveal a foamy top. At the end of the pour a tiny, thin as string foam came up, if only to offer a rim.
I like the look: cloudy amber color; pretty much what I would assume a honey mead beverage to look like (I still haven't had the pleasure of seeing one for myself).
I like the smell: a little aromatic hoppiness, a little sweet malt, a little roasted malt, maybe even some raisin.
The taste is balanced: a good level of bitterness, hops, and malts to round out the body.
The top of the beer has begun to be a bit more active and less tepid than the initial impression. Not even halfway through the 12 oz portion, head retention is showing some guts relative to it's condition, and a little lacing has entered the building. This beer looks to be unfiltered, too, which is a big plus in my opinion.
Terrapin's Rye Pale Ale: if you see it, try it out. Cheers!
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