Stopped into Guntown Beer today knowing I wanted to buy a beer or two, but unsure of what I was in the mood for. I ended up picking up 2 previously had IPAs, both of which I enjoy: Great Lakes' Commodore Perry and Bell's Two Hearted Ale. I've decided to try one after the other because they have different perspectives on the style to offer.
Commodore Perry has an "enjoy by" date of 12/30/12 on the right side of the label.
General notes: 7.5% ABV; tawny-orange body; bubbly white head with good retention. Lacing sticking all over the glass. Peachy in the nose; herbal; leafy; alcohol heat. Creamy taste; booze; bitter back end; peppery; spicy hops.
Overall, not for the faint of heart. Especially suitable for cold winter nights at a bar or one's home, but not as approachable as say, Dogfish Head's 60 Minute IPA or Saranac's India Pale Ale. I'd guess the heat and bitterness lingers too much for most folks to really enjoy this one. That said, I'd certainly recommend this to anyone with a well established beer palate.
On to Bell's Two Hearted Ale...
Two Hearted Ale has a "packaged on" date of 09/06/12 on the back label.
General notes: 7% ABV. tawny-orange, amber body. A bit darker than Commodore Perry. Fluffy white head. Bright and fruity in the nose; pineapple. Tinny/penny-like in the taste at first. Smooth. Bitter in the back end, but disappears gently. Floral and fruity hops. Creamy. Dry finish with fruity tones lingering lightly.
Overall: much more approachable than Commodore Perry. Great Lakes' offering isn't off balance, just overly alcoholic, while Two-Hearted is very balanced, just bitter enough, and pretty refreshing. You want more, instead of anticipating and fearing the heat. Bright fruits and a citrusy flash help the approachability of this beer.
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