A yellow-gold look with tawny shades. Egg white head slims down while still staying appealing. 4/5
Smells yeasty (like yeast being prepped for bread dough with warm water & sugar). Grassy and lemony in the nose. Salt, light malts. 4/5
Sharp hops cut through to the taste buds real quick with a peppery flavor. Yeast, peppermint spice, earthy hops, burnt brown sugar, bread crust, ginger. Clean malts with the right amount of fermented spiciness. 4.5/5
The Wright Pils is carried by hops, but washes away without heavy and unwelcoming lingering qualities thanks to the sweet and spicy tango. 4/5
Great Lakes pulled this one off with the hops flavor. Great stuff.
Overall: 4.5/5

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