22 oz bottle cost me $4.95, poured into the widest wine glass I own (took about 3 pours to finish the bottle).
Dark-maraschino cherry red body with a a sticky beige head. Good retention. Lively carbonation with bubbles still visibly rising to the top.
Rich in the nose with warm phenolic yeast, fruity & spicy esters. Hard candy, sticky sweetness. Overripe banana. Fragrant, burnt brown sugar & toasted vanilla. At 8%, this brew hides the booze exceptionally well.
Crisp and prickly up front with toasted notes, yeasty sweetness, spicy hops, clove, leaf texture. Very smooth hops bitterness washes away nicely with a friendly yeast flavor that lingers. Hangs around like a tasty wine, only better. Grows creamy as it warms. Depth & character shines through this one.
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