Moonglow is a beautiful, modestly effervescent brown brew with an orange-ish glow at the bottom and hints of red hues throughout. A lot of yeast in suspension. A soapy light beige head sits atop and plans on going nowhere.
Smell is so pronounced: pineapple & tropical fruits, booze, under-ripe banana. Floral. Treated wood. Much going on.
The taste is exceedingly bright up front and then turns down to toasty notes, wood and booze. Alcohol lingers while accompanied by moderately aggressive phenols. I sense hop flavors in the middle pushing their way through, but they're hard to really discern amidst the myriad of things going on with this brew.
Bottom line, it's a spicy, yeasty, fruity and lively beer with a little bit of heat and a mildly dry finish. Well played. I'll continue sipping & enjoying this one.
95% if I was grading.
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