Sunday, December 25, 2011

Stoudts Pils

Notes from Christmas Eve 2011

Hay-golden body with a slim, but reliable white head, which splashes upon the glass and pulls back at a gentle speed. Glad to see it's not over-carbonated.

Clean in the nose with sweet, but subtle grape notes, grains, yeast and pistachios.

Not at all shy in taste, with bittering hops up front, hop flavor in the middle--akin to a premium European pale lager, but more robust--and a roasty nuttiness in the back end. Yeast flavors kick in after the overall taste and feel of the brew is established upon the tastebuds.

Finishes slightly sweet, tart and clean. I wish I could see this on-tap or at the very least in bottles at bars around my area. Great beer.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rogue, Yellow Snow IPA

Among other info, the label on the bottle (22 oz) indicates 70 IBUs.

Appears amber with a touch of orange. Nearly opaque for the color. I admit I had a spill-over when pouring this lively brew. A fluffy, egg white head sits happily up top with lacing spots stuck to the glass.

Smell is herbal. Citrus hops as it warms. Aroma indicates the drinker is dealing with a serious beer ( cautious). Creamy up front with a bitter, lingering finish. Sweet grapefruit shows up intermittently, finding its place in the middle and then disappearing, swept away with the wave of bittering hops.

The take away from this beer or the standout is definitely its remarkably cream feel. While certainly bitter (a quality that lingers), this brew satisfies; multidimensional in terms of its feel.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Victory Moonglow Weizen Bock

My second weizenbock to my knowledge (first was from Penn Brewing Co this past summer. see here for review).

Moonglow is a beautiful, modestly effervescent brown brew with an orange-ish glow at the bottom and hints of red hues throughout. A lot of yeast in suspension. A soapy light beige head sits atop and plans on going nowhere.

Smell is so pronounced: pineapple & tropical fruits, booze, under-ripe banana. Floral. Treated wood. Much going on.

The taste is exceedingly bright up front and then turns down to toasty notes, wood and booze. Alcohol lingers while accompanied by moderately aggressive phenols. I sense hop flavors in the middle pushing their way through, but they're hard to really discern amidst the myriad of things going on with this brew.

Bottom line, it's a spicy, yeasty, fruity and lively beer with a little bit of heat and a mildly dry finish. Well played. I'll continue sipping & enjoying this one.

95% if I was grading.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Goose Island's Mild Winter

Bottled on date: 10/17/11

Appearance is mahogany brown with a slim light-nougat head.

Nutty and toasted in the nose. Corn chips. Mild sweetness (fruitiness). Phenolic yeast.

Taste: more toasty notes. Bittering hops work wonderfully, delivering the brew the whole way through. Near burnt caramel. Hop resin. Faint gingery spice.

Mouthfeel: Medium-bodied. Well balanced. Brings out a little spicy heat as it warms (presumably the rye as noted on the bottle).