Smells as expected. Faint example of sweet malts; Pilsner-esque; near-muted, but rounded grassiness. Very mild.
Tastes of slight oxidation with a tangy metallic character. Thin, but rounded out with sweet malts (again, faint), and balanced with just a touch of hops. Predominately wet; hardly dry at all until the finish. Apparent adjuncts like rice and/or corn utilized in the wort/brewing process. Corn husk starts to build up in the aftertaste, but nothing too bad.
Not as thin as some light beers, and that I like. Suggestions of a syrupy body, but enough hops to counteract the entrance to that avenue.
A worthy change-up brew for the light-beer-inclined; the folks that refuse to step away from the American Adjunct Lager style.
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