Well, the predominate hue is nice. Amber brown to mahogany. A beige head shows its weakness, and over the course of less than a minute, dwindles down to a sorry nothingness. Evidence of what once was a head lays pitifully on the top, like a shattered continent on a map of the globe. A thin rim tries to keep it together, and remind me that this is a beer in my glass.
The smell is toasted. Burnt brown sugar, malts, & sweet caramel. Doughy & full-bodied in the nose.
The taste is malty & toasted, with a dry, corn kernel-like finish. A mild hint of butter. Dryness trumps the attenuation, hiding what I tend to complain about.
Medium-bodied, but missing a considerable depth of character. Still, one of the better beers offered by Coors.
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