Yuengling Traditional Lager, which refers to itself as an Amber Lager, really holds true to the color. It's head starts out fairly strong, transcending into a low-medium rim. A deep nose pulls out a sweet, malty, syrupy smell, balanced with more dry, grainy notes, and a hint of wet grass & autumn leaves, consequently pulling away from a bock-like aroma. Can't ignore the floral & spicy esters.
The taste offers a mild grainy shell, a brown sugar style, sweeter center, and a drier finish. Teasing hints of salted butter & vanilla extract. A mild feel, very little astringency in the finish, & a clean, yet grainy-dry, aftertaste.
A solid session beer for even the budget-conscious, and one that comes through with a lot more character than the rest.
Probably one of the most overrated beers ever....soapy taste and just plain nasty...yuengs and wings HA