This beer first let me down once I poured what looked like a golden lager, instead of the amber-orange hue I was expecting. But, that aside, I thought that if it tasted good, I could get over my expectation and appreciate the brew still.
The smell isn't bad, but it's a little over the top, personally, and a slightly on the artificial side, regardless of whether artificial flavors were used or not.
The head retention and lacing is probably the most honorable mention in respect to this brew.
As a result of the taste, which I can only describe as two beverages that have been thrown together without offering a thought into the direction of balance, with one of the beverages being a skunky frat beer & the other being a cheap orange soft drink, this beer doesn't hold a lot of weight in the area of drinkability. Still, I respect the attempt from Buffalo Bill's.
If my suggestions were to matter, here are a few that I think could improve on this brew:
I got too much of an 'Orange Slice' taste and smell from this brew. I think a little more body, a little less carbonation, would not only improve on the taste and feel, but also might cut back on the overwhelming smell of oranges.
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