Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat:
I first bought this brew with a friend about 4 summers ago. We bought a case for around 13 dollars! Started drinking about 1-2 in the afternoon and convinced ourselves that we had better go back out and get another case. At the time I was living with my parents, and my father was not happy with our foolish second trip. As a result, a huge fight broke out between myself and my parents, and my buddy started mowing the grass to repair his standing with my folks. Kind of funny to look back on, but definitely an important experience in regards to learning about responsibility. Oh, and I emitted blueberry-infused gas from the behind for the next 12-14 hours. On to the beer...
12 oz bottle poured into frozen 9-10 oz mug, little by little. Cloudy wheat beer, contains plentiful traces of mashing. Golden-Amber color. Fizzy lacing!
Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat tastes like early morning blueberry muffins on a little hoppy trip. Can't really taste the wheat. It definitely doesn't have the evident wheat content like that which is found in Bell's Winter White Ale.
The brew is very refreshing, any time of the year. Today happens to be a sunny day towards the end of winter, and the brew really counters the temperature outside.
Sunset Wheat smells like an unpeeled orange or a vegetable crisper (in the fridge) stuffed with fresh fruits. Snowflake foam! Pleasantly stable feel to the brew with an unquestionably medium body.
Hazed & Infused Dry Hopped Ale (Boulder, CO)
Solid-brown look, malty-brown taste on over drive. A little hops come through to offer a bitter note. Dark chocolate taste with raisins. A bock-like view from the top of the pond. A very nice carbonation-lacing relationship, pretty active.
Hazed & Infused Dry Hopped Ale has a very balanced taste for a roasted malt, somewhat hoppy take on this style of beer. It stands as one of the few I could have several of.
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