A late picture is better than no picture. I had to enjoy it a little before I took one!
I am unfortunately lost for an elaborative description, but I love this beer! I'm extremely uneducated when it comes to Hefeweizen's, so here's what BeerAdvocate.com describes the style as:
"A south German style of wheat beer (weissbier) made with a typical ratio of 50:50, or even higher, wheat. A yeast that produces a unique phenolic flavors of banana and cloves with an often dry and tart edge, some spiciness, bubblegum or notes of apples. Little hop bitterness, and a moderate level of alcohol. The "Hefe" prefix means "with yeast", hence the beers unfiltered and cloudy appearance. Poured into a traditional Weizen glass, the Hefeweizen can be one sexy looking beer."
Okay, so the beer definitely has a cloudiness to it, something commonplace in wheat beers. There is also a dryness to this beer that one should notice.
I really enjoy the body of this beer, somewhere around light-medium. A bite is almost non-existent, just a slight tingle on the tongue and your through with that aspect. The color is like a cloudy-pilsner, maybe a little more yellow.
The head retention is really good, constantly offering a fluffy foam that fails to ever remove itself. The lacing is remarkable, like airplane trails in the sky. Maybe I did better than I had anticipated when describing this beer, all I know is that it is an outstanding style of brew if Harpoon expressed its intended qualities. Having another is the only way to find out, and in the meantime, maybe I should do some more reading. Until next time, Cheers from The Light on Beer!
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