A tawny amber-orange appearance; honey-like. Frothy egg white up top. Lacing stuck to the glass. Fairly opaque, but bubbles can be seen rising to the top. Appearance: 4.5/5
Rich caramel aroma. A punch (Donnie Brasco reference) of diacetyl. Fruity hops. Aroma: 4/5
Caramel malts and fresh tasting bittering & flavor hops. Easy going down. Balanced taste & feel. A touch of booze in the finish. Taste: 4/5
Feel 4.5/5: bittering hops never clash with the overall character notes or get in the way of the smoothness of this brew; perfectly hopped). Creamy mouth-feel. Medium-bodied.
Overall: 4.5/5: excellent brew!
Notes: English IPAs are a decidely different brew than the U.S. (they're also the original breed). From my experience and reading, English IPAs tend to be more balanced than the slew of IPAs made in the U.S. That said, they've also been drawn down in size over the years. Historically, they were high in alcohol (round 8% ABV) and heavily hopped to withstand long trips (hops act as a preservative) when Great Britain was colonizing India in the late 1700s and early 19th century, hence the "India" attached to the pale ale.