A fizzy, golden-yellow appearance with a head that leaves quick. Lots of carbonation bubbles rising to the top. Scattered spots up top with a thin, soapy rim. 3/5
Smells as expected. Grainy, grassy, vegetal, herbal. On the positive side, there's a semi-sweet undertone to the aroma. 2.5/5
Taste-wise, Stoney's Light is grainy up front like its fuller-bodied big brother (Stoney's Premium). Honestly, it's not bad at all. A bit dry in the aftertaste, with a seltzer like flavor. Thin bodied, barely hopped, but not exactly character free. 2.5/5
Feels a little watery and could use a touch more bittering hops, but I probably could have drank this at a colder temperature, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Not bad. 3/5
Overall 2.5/5
Notes: a definite "drink ice cold" kind of brew. My best friend swears by it, otherwise I probably wouldn't have been that interested in trying it out.