Yeah, first off, that's the brewery name, Stoudt's. Sounds like I'm talking about stouts, but it's spelled different and I'm not. When I try selling Stoudt's at the beer store I always have to explain that I'm talking about the brewery in Adamstown, PA and not the style of brew usually associated with Guinness. Such is beer life...
Stoudt's Gold. The name says it all in appearance. Poured into a Stella Artois chalice glass, the egg white head slides down to a steady rim. Fairly translucent body. Both floral and fruity hops up front. Clean light grains in the middle; biscuity. A bit of booze. Bright notes in the nose.
The Nutty/roasted malts melody is both tasty and non-lingering. Flash of bittering hops is well received. Spicy/peppery hops flavor is very subtle, but a nice touch.
This brew is an excellent example of a light style of beer, not to be confused with America's incessant deference to diet beer. Flavor, character, aroma and ceaseless drinkability is exemplified by this one! Top notch.